My plate planner: a healthy meal tastes great!


Posted by msmartaPS1 | Posted in Science | Posted on February 6, 2015

Science lessons are probably the best time to have children think about the world and Nature around them as well as why we ask them to do certain things like brushing their teeth three times a day and eating lots of fruit and vegetables.

We’ve been learning about healthy food and healthy teeth for the last 3 weeks. Our students are more aware about the importance of having healthy meals and snacks and also about taking care of their teeth.

We’ve been analysing their own meals and food packages and it’s been fun for everyone! Now we are “Food Detectives” looking for all the sugar in packaged snacks such as apple juice, cereal, drinking yoghurt, pomegranate green tea, Ovaltine, Hello Panda biscuits…

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There is a TV program you might like to watch. I find it very interesting and it gives you practical ideas about how to make all the things your child loves in a healthier way (like HEALTHY chicken nuggets!)

You can find it on YouTube: The Food Detectives

The Food Detectives: Juices

The Food Detectives: Chicken

The Food Detectives: Noodles 

It is also on Nat Geo People Channel on Saturday mornings.

My Plate Planner Sample can help when preparing your child’s meal for school. Most students have really healthy meals but some others are lacking vegetables and fruit.


You can also have a look at this blog to get some healthy and “yummy” ideas!

Packed Lunches for a Grade Schooler 

Thank you Josiet for letting me share your blog 🙂

Have a great weekend!

Comments (1)

Thank you for linking my post 🙂

Nice to see the kids learning and being aware about the food they eat.

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